What is Online Reputation Management (ORM)?

Online Reputation Management (ORM) is exactly that – managing the reputation of ones person, or business online. Typically, ORM refers to search engine result pages in major search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing however; it can also include social media and review management.
Recently, there has been an up-tick in businesses and individuals in need of ORM services who’ve been attacked by the media. In many cases, media reports come out with negative information simply based on accusations before due process has been completed.
For individuals and businesses who have been accused of something and later found innocent can have their reputations destroyed by these media reports which seem to never go away.
Over the years I’ve created a process that is tried and true. It allows people and businesses who’s lives have been captivated by bad press, peace of mind.
Last year, I performed an aggressive ORM campaign for a very prestigious surgeon who was accused of varying degrees of crimes by his partners. The media picked up the accusations and wrote some pretty vicious stories based on the accuser’s accusations. Later, this Doctor was found innocent and all charges were dropped, however; the damage was already done and so was his career, at least for the short term.
I see stories like this all of the time. This is one of the many reasons that I’ve dedicated a large portion of my consulting to helping victims of media bias.
If you’ve found yourself unfairly attacked by the media, a competitor or perhaps even a disgruntled customer or employee, give me a call – I can most likely help you.
This is what people like me, do what I do.